CEO Mentorship

Create Your Mythos

Hey You, 

You have money, houses, cars, and climbed the ladder in your career. 

You earned your bachelor’s degree, a masters or even a PhD… and you pull in a CEO’s salary.

You are a leader in your community and in your family.


Why does it feel like something is missing?

What is that empty feeling when you wake up in the morning? 

Does it feel like years are flying by in the rat race and your life isn’t what you hoped it would be?

It’s just bills, and responsibility, and making the world turn for everyone around you…
But, who is holding up the sky for you?

Maybe you are bored at your 9-5 desk job, trading stocks or crypto-currency (or both), hoping that one more good trade will change everything. 

I hate to be the one to tell ya, but there is so much more to life than money & vacation homes...  

It’s time to Create Your Mythos

Remember that childhood dream that was never fulfilled?

Yeah, we are going to wake that kid back up. 

We are going to dig through all the trauma, emotional backlog, and pain of being a Human in this world. 

Together, we are going to learn what it means to Feel Alive again. 

My Create Your Mythos program awakens Connection, Creativity, Gratitude and Happiness. 

Together, we activate ancestral symbols, connect to your purpose, and wake up your consciousness to its most powerful expression.

I hold a tight container with solid, masculine presence to teach you how to step fully into your role as Creator Consciousness

The world needs people like you.

It needs people like us.

We are re-awakening the real Masculine & Feminine. And no, it has nothing to do with gender.

Creative. Strong. Resilient. Focused. Inspired. Courageous. 

There is a new world emerging -- and I know you have a place in it.