
  • Alex Carelli, MA

    Alex is the founder of ThetaSoma™ and a Transformational Counselor. Alex co-leads the ThetaSoma™ Guide Training. She is passionate about integrating traumatic memories to heal the self.

    “Hi, I’m Alex. Here to be in the being, with you.

    Along my journey I have had the honor of studying with masters of the metaphysical healing arts in yoga, Ayurveda, and sacred ritual practice. I bridge my esoteric studies with a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy to support you, holistically.

    I began exploring consciousness & connection to nature growing up in the forests of New England. I experienced my own healing crisis in my early 20’s and ever since, I have been dedicated to healing my mind, body & spirit in alignment with Creation.

    Now, I work with dreams, psychedelic medicine, tarot, astrology, yoga, sound, nature and deep listening as pathways to the soul.

    In sessions, trainings, and immersive experiences we integrate these tools creatively to stir your consciousness into remembrance.

    I count many plant allies, the cosmos, our natural world as my greatest teachers.

  • Anthony West, Guide

    Anthony is an artist, creator and founder of ThetaSoma™. He is passionate about supporting others to heal their ancestral lineage, activate purpose, and expand their creative potential as human beings. Anthony co-leads the ThetaSoma™ Guide Training as well as offers 1:1 mentorship and creativity coaching.

    “I have been meditating from a very young age – exploring my inner and outer realms.

    I am a creator and my work mirrors the journey of self.

    I believe deeply in the value of myth in building and maintaining culture. My personal interest lies in studying hypnosis, soul retrieval techniques and ancestral healing.

    I have spent years holding space for others and guiding them on their healing journeys in a diversity of settings. I have guided many mens circles over the years, holding space for men to awaken and integrate their creative purpose and drive. I also hold a safe, strong space for women to heal and be witnessed by the masculine.

    I seek to inspire spiritual awareness within my clients allowing you to access your own ability as a co-creator and being of unlimited potential. I use our collective mythos to inspire change and create a new paradigm. Healing and creativity are my life’s work, purpose, and passion. I am honored to share this work with you”.